Simple Acts of Listening .
Group Exhibition
SFX – Seoul (South Korea) / West – La Haye (Netherlands)

Exhibition organized by "Sound Effects Seoul" in Korea. Six Korean artists in the field of multimedia are invited by West to The Hague in the Netherlands. In this historical venue of construction (Bauhaus) and unconventional use (former American embassy), the works raise contemporary questions about ecology, cultural diversity, the feminine position, global flows, as well as new robotic technology.
Ha Cha Youn presents an installation composed of two works across three small rooms. Mat, Boat, Carpet – my mat, a boat for family, a large carpet for all is created by attaching a thousand PET bottles together. The mattresses are just large enough for one person to lie on and are connected by ropes to form a loose raft. They represent the minimum space a life can claim, the life of someone who had to leave behind their community, be it their family, village, or country. They can function as a small boat on which a family could navigate together and as a magical flying carpet woven from plastic cords that can transport anyone who wishes to be carried. The video Navigation accompanies this piece placed on the ground, thus creating movement.
Artists : Ha Cha Youn, Go-Eun Im, Gina Kim, Byungjun Kwon, Heesoo Kwon, Seulgi Lee.
(Source: press release)
Curators : Baruch Gottlieb, Ji Yoon Yang
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