À la recherche de l’autre .
Solo exhibition
Houg Galllery, Paris (France)

"Since she left South Korea, her native land, for France in 1983, Ha Cha Youn has made the bag – the retrieved plastic bag wrapping the mercantilism of commodified life – a symbol of the living body, desiring, touching, tearing, drifting, fleeing, wandering, struggling, creating. And sketching a direction, a path.
Whether plain or striped, usually held at arm’s length, almost sharp under the weight or light emptiness of an epidermal thickness of a few microns of hydrocarbon, from the beginning of her endless journey in Europe, Ha Cha Youn has turned this bag of any color into an allegorical writing-reading-painting of the human being: solo, in duo, in multitude, in planetary people. In peace. At war."
(Extract from "The Open Air", text from Dominique Truco for the catalogue.)