Simple Acts of Listening .


SFX – Seoul (South Korea) / West – La Haye (Netherlands)
Ha Cha Youn, 'Simple Acts of Listening', Exposition collective, 2022

FUTURAE – L’artiste questionne le monde .


ST ART 2021, Strasbourg (France)
Ha Cha Youn, 'FUTURAE – L’artiste questionne le monde', Exposition collective, 2021

Champs libre .


MAIF Social Club, Paris (France)
Ha Cha Youn, 'Champs libre', Exposition collective, 2020

Mobile Home Project .


Songwon Art Center / WB Corner Gallery, Seoul (South Korea)
Ha Cha Youn, 'Mobile Home Project', Exposition collective, 2014

Localization .


Pool Art Space, Seoul (South Korea)
Ha Cha Youn, 'Localization', Exposition collective, 2013

Women In-between .


Fukuoka Asian Art Museum / Okinawa Prefectural Art Museum / Tochigi Prefectural Art Museum of Fine Arts / Mie Prefectural Art Museum (Japan)
Ha Cha Youn, 'Women In-between', Exposition collective, 2013

Eau, air, terre : la sagesse du jardinier .


3ème Biennale internationale d'art contemporain de Melle (France)
Ha Cha Youn, 'Eau, air, terre : la sagesse du jardinier', Exposition collective, 2007