Silent apple .
Group Exhibition
7th Changwon Sculpture Biennale (Korea)

“ 큰 사과가 소리없이 ”
2024 제7회 창원조각비엔날레
성산아트홀, 성산패총, 창원복합문화센터 동남운동장, 창원시립마산문신미술관
83 international artists (63 teams) were invited to explore the multi-layered temporalities and localities of sculpture and the city of Changwon across four cultural, historical, and social venues.
HA CHA YOUN lived in this city until her departure in 1983 for Europe to pursue her art studies. Since the 1960s, the industrialization of the city has led to an influx of men and women coming to work in the industry. The rapid transformation of the urban landscape has left a lasting impression on her memories of her hometown.
On the occasion of this sculpture biennale, HA CHA YOUN presents works created in France and Germany between 1987 and 1989, influenced by her various travels and her roots in different contexts.
During the opening, she also performed in the entrance hall a piece entitled "From 1960 to 2080" .
Seongsan Art Hall, Seongsan Shell Mound, Changwon Cultural Complex Dongnam Ground, ChangwonCity Masan Moonshin Art Museum
Art direction
Seewon Hyun 현시원
Photo credits
Studio SUJIKSUPYUNG (Cheolki Hong), Courtesy of Changwon Cultural Foundation · The 7th Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2024, Jiyeon Sung, Dongim Ha.
More information

Performative works showcased:
• "Je me brûle (I burn me)", 1987 [See]
• "Reis pflanzen (Planting rice)", 1988 [See]
• "Bleibt wie (ein) Baum (Standing like (a) tree)", 1989 [See]
• "Von 1960 bis 2080 (From 1960 to 2080)" 1989/2024 [See]